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Wet outer, inner and basement walls become dry again.
There are, however, isolated cases of damp walls where even we cannot do anything.
One of our principles reads: no experiments! To make sure that the use of the Drymat System will successfully dehumidify your house too, we always conduct a thorough analysis.
The electro-physical method of dehumidification is based on the electro-phoresic effect – please, take a look at our video about it. This makes the Drymat System the ideal method for sustainable removal of rising capillary moisture. As part of our analysis under the Wenner measurement technique, we make sure that there exists no pressurized water and no water vain abutting. Another rare factor able to make the Drymat System ineffective is a pH value of 4 or less, which is caused by an extreme organic pollution, for example by fertilization of the surrounding fields.
In a nutshell, the Drymat System will only be installed if the chances of success are very, very high. Fortunately, that’s the case. Plenty of satisfied clients all over Europe have been able to collect these Drymat experiences. When will you allow us to convince you?
Wall drying with the Drymat®system; wet outer, inner and basement walls becoming dry again; rising moisture in the walls; drying and dehumidification (sanitation) of wet basement walls – all these are topics the professionals at Drymat will help you !